Divine Day Care Logo

Kawotto, Kajjansi, P.O. BOX 18510, Kampala, Uganda +256 772 888248

Nursery and Junior School

Divine Day Care Kajjansi Uganda School Children

About Divine

The centre caters for disadvantaged children most of them with special needs including physical and psychological challenges, HIV /AIDS and other medical problems, malnourished children and those whose parents are psychotic (mentally ill) and therefore not able to take care of them. They receive medical and nursing care plus formal school education. It’s a community based organization in Kajjansi, Kampala Uganda.

From Humble Beginnings

Divine Day Care Nursery and Junior School was born out of a strong passion for children by it's founder Deborah Gita, a retired nurse and a graduate of Aga khan university (Post RN BscN). The school started with only two children in 2013, Christopher and Jedidiah and by December 2015 it had 31 children. At the start of 2017 it had 70 pupils and it's ongoing target is to simply increase in numbers and services offered to children from the most unfortunate of backgrounds and circumstances.
Children Waving From Balcony at the Divine Day Care in Kajjansi

Equality For All

The school caters for all categories of children: from the fairly advantaged to the disadvantaged, physically handicapped and stigmatized, HIV positive orphans and many others with special needs such as Hydrocephalus (abnormal accumulation of fluid in the brain), Albinism, and for those where rejection from other schools is sadly common place. In Uganda there is a high level of unacceptance from schools through ignorance and stigma attached to many children's conditions and special needs.
Children Eating at the Divine Day Care in Kajjansi

Nursery Facilities

Divine also takes care of babies while their parents go to work. They are dropped off in the morning and picked up in the evenings. Some children have graduated from daycare to the nursery section. The school has two rooms with cots and beds, and trained staff to look after and care for these babies throughout the whole day. Nurturing, cleaning, feeding, entertaining, interacting, health checks and monitoring is just a normal part of every day life and care offered by the dedicated Divine Day Care staff members.
Baby Sleeping at the Divine Day Care Nursery in Kajjansi

Divine Services Offered

  • Nursing of children
  • Treatment Support
  • Health Education
  • Rehabilitation (Nutritional, Physical and Psychological)
  • Growth Monitoring
  • Counselling of Parents
  • Formal School Education
  • Internship for Students (Nurses, Teachers and Volunteers)

The School - The Future

Divine Day Care Main Building Front Fund raising is a key part of maintaining the success and secure future of Divine. Desperate efforts are being made to raise money with a view to purchasing the land and the property for sustainability and development.
Children Playing in the Divine Day Care garden Naturally running such a facility can be costly, from the most basic school items through to medical welfare, though the life changing results far outweigh the struggles and sacrifices made by all involved in the school project.
Divine Day Care Staff As well as the exceptional work at the Divine Day Care, over time it has also helped to create jobs for teaching staff and assistants with the aim towards continuing growth so that even more services can be added, helping to change many lives.
Chickens in the Divine Day Care Garden Divine has started a small beautiful poultry farm to help supply eggs to cater for the nutritional requirements of the children and have also planted some basic food crops and vegetables in their small farm area which they want to develop further.

Meet The Children

Meet The Children of Divine Day Care Read some of the case history stories of just a few of the daycare students and their struggle to overcome a variety of disadvantages in order to live the type of life that we all too often take for granted. All of which would not have been possible without the love, care and dedication of the Divine Day Care.

Meet Deborah Gita

Divine Day Care Deborah Gita Founder Deborah Gita always had a passion for starting the Divine Day Care facility and saved what money she could all through her working life. When she retired she added all of her retirement money to her savings and witnessed the birth of her project, which she has continued to demonstrate such a passion for.


Funds are urgently required for a school mini bus. Without transportation many children suffer greatly and miss out on the opportunities of education, special need requirements, medical welfare, social interaction, child development and so much more. The Divine Day Care can only do so much and without urgent assistance this could have a huge impact on many children's lives, so please join in with our fund raising. Thank you.
Divine Day Care Car School Bus Believe it or not this is the only school transportation, an estate car.
Divine Day Care Car School Bus No Space 15 Children cram into every available space for this essential service.
Divine Day Care Car School Bus Third Class Third party seating in the boot. Children may love it but it's not ideal.
Divine Day Care Car School Bus Crammed With six school runs per day collecting and dropping off Divine students.

And Divine Offers Even More

The Divine Day Care also offers a boarding section where some children live in at the school either permanently or during the week. Some students come from very far not able to go back every day and others do not even have a home to go back to. Dedicated staff work around the clock to cater for these children and their needs including recreational activities, art, dance and more, all in continued efforts to improve quality of life and child development.

Make a donation

Your donation will help assist with the continuing work and support the Divine Day Care in many aspects. Every penny counts so please support us in what ever way possible.

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Why not become a sponsor or a patron and you or your business will receive online advertising not only on this site but on associated sites, Facebook and in our literature.

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Other ways to help

Maybe you have services that you may be able to offer the Divine Day Care School? Spare time? Excess goods? Surplus materials? All assistance is valuable and appreciated.

Contact us

Office Hours:
Friday - Saturday: 9am - 5pm
Tel: +256 772 888 248