

Though I am not an eloquent person, I have always loved the rhyming word of poetry and I have my moments of creativity in this subject matter. I tend to write from emotion, sometimes from experiences and often tell stories of quite simply what is on my mind. Not necessarily writing for anyone in particular, most of the time just writing thoughts. I have been asked to write poems for other people and some are included in this collection. Read, don't read, the choice is yours... and so is your opinion.

Free to share poetry

All of my writing is registered with copyrights, however I am happy to waiver this for my poetry section and should anyone wish to use my work for song lyrics or share on the internet, all I ask is that credit is given to my name by means of common courtesy, thanks. There are certainly reasons behind what I write and I am sure that over time I shall add explanations to accompany each piece and if possible I shall add some imagery too. If you wish to question any of my work, I shall be happy to respond.

Bad Luck

Poetry Bad Luck by Steve Stachini

Poetry Titles:

Below are text links to each piece with their titles. Simply click to read... and hopefully enjoy and take some thought from the words.
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+34 634 325 196
